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Obstetrical Complications and Legal Implications
Professional Health Consulting Services
Obstetrics is a high-risk area. The expanded scope of nursing practice, in addition to the specialty technology involved, has been associated with a greater degree of liability for professional practice. Perinatal nurses have historically experienced increased liability exposure and have some of the highest nursing malpractice insurance rates. This class will discuss hot topics such as shoulder dystocia, ruptured uterus, incident reports, informed consent, EMTALA regulations, telephone triage, TOLAC, cesarean by request, documentation, and much more. Real case studies will be used to demonstrate proper documentation and interventions.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify reasons for a lawsuit
  • Describe goals of fetal monitoring
  • Apply perinatal risk management principles to high risk obstetrical scenarios
  • Identify reasons to complete an incident report
  • Apply proper documentation to high risk obstetrical events
  • Understand the RN’s role in informed consent
  • Describe documentation strategies during an obstetrical emergency
Continuing Education Credit:
Those who attend and participate will receive 7 continuing education units that will be provided by the hosting hospital or by Professional Health Consulting Services, Inc.

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